Hi! I’m Alexis,

Your registered Dietitian, confidant, & cheerleader

To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art. I’m here to teach you the art. Ever wonder why people try dieting but can't find what works for them? The issue is, they don't understand their body. My goal is to teach you how to understand your body and nourish it properly, so you have life-long health, on your terms. I believe no two clients are alike, and you know yourself best. My approach to getting you the results you want is getting to know you


I give my clients exactly what they need to be successful. I provide custom meal plans, grocery lists, handouts, recipe guides, & lab testing to get to the root cause of health issues.

I specialize in weight loss, weight maintenance, gut health, managing chronic conditions (hypertension, diabetes, hashimoto’s, cardiovascular disease, CHD, high cholesterol, triglycerides, diabetes prevention, IBS, SIBO, candida, etc.)

As a Certified LEAP Therapist, I help people find symptom relief from their IBS; IBD; fibromyalgia (joint pain); chronic fatigue; migraine’s, headaches, arthritis, and more with MRT food sensitivity testing.

I offer home-health sessions in NJ & telehealth (phone/video) via Healthie. I accept health insurance and self-pay packages.

Click HERE to book your first appointment. I look forward to meeting you!


We offer nutrition services for a variety of health issues including:

-Weight loss

-Weight maintenance

-Chronic disease management & prevention:

  • Hypertension

  • Cholesterol/Triglycerides

  • Diabetes/Pre-diabetes

  • Metabolic syndrome

-Food allergies


  • Food sensitivities (MRT food sensitivity panel)

  • Gut Zoomer Panel (Stool test)

  • Food intolerances

  • IBS (FODMAP diet)

  • SIBO

  • Gluten free/ Celiac

No two clients are alike. We offer a variety of nutrition services for your needs including:

-in-home sessions

-telehealth (audio/visual)

-functional laboratory testing

-custom meal plans

-grocery store tours

-custom grocery lists

-lifestyle planning

-gluten free meal plans

Looking for something else? We would be happy to explore options to meet your needs.