MRT is a functional measurement of diet-induced sensitivity pathways. MRT simplifies a highly complex reaction and translates that into the most useable clinical information you can get – quantifying the inflammatory response to foods and food chemicals. Unlike Everlywell food sensitivity test, MRT is backed by robust scientific research that measures not only IgG response, but mediator release, which is the proven and sole method of identifying food sensitivity reactions.

Not only does MRT give insight into inflammation-provoking foods and food chemicals, but more importantly MRT identifies your BEST foods – the foods that form the basis of the LEAP Eating Plan.

Simply put, MRT gives you the information you can’t get any other way, and that information directly translates into targeted therapy that matters.

MRT is the foundation of fully addressing food sensitivities and achieving the maximum outcomes in the shortest period of time. This is our goal.

Functional lab testing

Eligible for Health savings accounts (HSA) and Flexible spending accounts (FSAs) payment. We offer several functional lab tests. We will discuss which test is right for you at your first session. Click Order test here to explore our most commonly ordered lab tests.


A comprehensive analysis of your microbiome diversity from a simple one time stool collection. Provides potential risk for cardiovascular, metabolic, neurological, intestinal, autoimmune, liver, hormonal, and nutritional health conditions. The Gut Zoomer report provides you with actionable recommendations that include potential risks for: Intestinal permeability (Leaky Gut), Intestinal disorders (IBS and IBD), Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), Cardiovascular health, Autoimmune health (celiac, Crohn’s, rheumatoid arthritis, etc), Neurological health (MS, Parkinson’s, and more), Liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis, cholangitis, and more), Metabolic health (Obesity, diabetes, etc, Nutrition (Vitamin production, oxalate metabolism), Microbiome and hormone connections (Beta-glucuronidase and Beta-glucosidase)

Vibrant uses a proprietary microarray hybridization technology platform, using the whole-genome data to simultaneously detect over 300 microorganisms with 99% specificity and 98% sensitivity, unheard-of levels of accuracy in the detection of pathogenic microorganisms. Because Vibrant does not use sequencing technology, which is time-consuming and prone to high level so inaccuracy, the Gut Zoomer is the most accurate microbiome test available to aid discerning healthcare providers in the assessment and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. Test includes 1 consultation with a registered dietitian who will email you the results of your test, go over the report, and create a plan to implement your results. After purchasing you will be contacted with shipping information and when you should expect your test kit.

Microbiome report

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Your genes determine who you are and how you respond to the world around you, from the food you eat, the exercise you do, exposure to your environment, and even how you respond to stress you may encounter. Every decision you make, every minute of every day, changes the way your genes express themselves. Reading and understanding your genetic blueprint gives you great insight into who you are. From here, you can discover and choose the most targeted actions and helpful habits to move you forward on your personalized path to better health.

If it impacts your health, it is included in the 3X4 Blueprint. The Blueprint report covers 36 metabolic pathways across 6 health categories. Each pathway is made up of several genetic variants that together impact the pathways’ optimal function.

Sample report


Measures direct levels of intracellular and extracellular micronutrients. Objectively determines root causes of malnutrition and inflammation. The test panel includes: vitamins, minerals, cofactors, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, amino acids, & metabolites. Test includes 1 consultation with a registered dietitian who will email you the results of your test, go over the report, and create a plan to implement your results. After purchasing the test you will be contacted within 1 business day with shipping information and when you can expect your testing kit.

micronutrient report

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