Post-COVID Weight gain

3 Steps to Lose Pandemic Weight Gain

28 July 2023

Olga Rolenko/Getty Images

By Alexis Michel, MS, Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist, CLT


It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic affected the lives of Americans in a major way. Many Americans were forced into stay-at-home lifestyles which they were not prepared for. This switch came with unfavorable health consequences. A survey of Americans found 48% had gained weight during the pandemic (Khubchandani et al., 2022). The stay-at-home mandate lead to increased weight gain as the pandemic went on (Seal, 2022).  The cause of pandemic weight gain was found to be associated with stress, lack of physical activity, and more time preparing foods (Seal, 2022).  If you’re one of the many who gained weight during the pandemic, you’re not alone. Read on to find out how you can lose pandemic weight gain, in a healthy, sustainable, way.


1.     Make a plan

If you’ve gained weight during the pandemic, it’s best to first ask yourself why that might have occurred. Weight gain is caused by eating more calories than you burn in a day. You may have consumed more calories than what you typically burn because of emotional eating, or from trying new recipes (banana bread trend). There is no question trying new recipes brings people joy, but when unwanted weight gain outweighs the joy,  then it’s time to make a change. If you found yourself bored or experienced more depressive symptoms during the pandemic, then focus your attention on hobbies that bring you joy. Doing something fun with friends and spending time with loved ones can help bring you joy. Studies show people who spend time with friends and family , have better mental and physical health (Umberson & Montez, 2010). Social relationships are key to preserving health long-term, so if you found yourself spending less time with loved ones during the pandemic, it may have effected your health in a negative way. It’s time to set a brunch date with your bff, or call up that friend you’ve been meaning to catch up with.


2.     Move More

Since the pandemic, more and more Americans are being offered remote work opportunities. 58% of Americans reported they were given the opportunity to work from home (WFH) at least 1 day per week. Americans have become more sedentary than ever before. People who WFH are less physically active than when commuting to work. However, when activity levels go down and calorie intake stays the same, that can lead to weight gain. If this sounds like you, your best bet is to find ways to fit physical activity into your day that you enjoy. Studies show when you enjoy physical activity, you are more likely to lose/maintain weight (Leone & Ward, 2013). So that means you don’t need to sign up for a fitness class that you don’t like, just because so and so said you have to wake up at 5:00 am everyday to be fit.  If you despise the gym, don’t go to the gym. Find other forms of physical activity that you truly enjoy and don’t feel like a chore. For example, you can take your dog on walks,  try at home Zumba classes, or get a desk peddler. There are endless ways to move your body, you just have to find one that works for you.


3.     Seek Expert Help

If you’ve tried to move more and eat less, but you are still struggling to meet your weight loss goals, don’t panic. Consider seeking help from a Registered Dietitian. Dietitian’s are experts in the field of health and nutrition. They can help you create a personalized plan that is healthy and sustainable. Dietitians create meal plans, grocery lists, and come up with effective strategies to overcome real life challenges that get in the way of your weight loss goal. Hangry Dietitian is a telehealth nutrition program led by Registered Dietitian and Certified LEAP therapist, Alexis Michel.  We specialize in weight loss, gut health, IBS management, and food sensitivities. With personalized nutrition plans for you from anywhere in the country, (and in-person consultations in New Jersey) we help you lose weight, find symptom relief from fibromyalgia (joint pain), IBS, chronic fatigue, (and more) & have more energy. Click here to fill out a patient form and you will be contacted to set up your first appointment.


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